
How To Replace One Color With Another In Lightroom

In this tutorial, you lot will learn how to change colors in Lightroom.

You might remember a contempo tutorial where I showed you how to change the color of anything in Photoshop, this is going to be a similar tutorial, but we're going to do it all in Lightroom and not Photoshop.

Photoshop has great masking options and a ton of tools to modify the colour of an object. Only if you lot have an object that is piece of cake to select you may want to stay in Lightroom and do all your work there.

Go on in heed that there are two versions of Lightroom. Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC.

Lightroom Classic CC & Lightroom CC

In this tutorial, we're going to work with Lightroom Classic CC. This is the version of Lightroom that has been around for a decade and is the preferred version of professional Photographers.

Lightroom CC is the new cloud-based editor which does not accept the cataloging and organizational features that Lightroom Archetype does. But the editing features between the two apps are virtually the same.

If you want to larn more well-nigh the new Lightroom CC, then check out my gratis video course for beginners.

If you would like to download the photo used in this tutorial, yous tin download a free watermarked preview from Adobe Stock.

Table of contents

  • Change Colors in Lightroom With The HSL Console
  • Alter Colors in Lightroom With The Adjustment Brush
    • Irresolute The Color of The Jacket
    • Lightroom Presets
  • Links Mentioned In The Video Tutorial

Change Colors in Lightroom With The HSL Panel

Before we go into the Adjustment Brush technique featured in this tutorial, it is important to be familiar with and understand the method that most people use tomodify colors in Lightroom and why it doesn't always piece of work.

Make sure that yous are in Lightroom Classic CC, and go into the Edit Module.

From the Edit Module, you can click on the HSL/Color panel. Then you tin can select the Hue tab, where you volition meet a list of colors that yous tin can conform with the respective sliders.

HSL Panel

In this example, the model is wearing a ruby jacket. If you wanted to change the jacket to another color, you could drag the Red slider to the left or to the right to shift the hue.

But observe that you tin can only shift the hue just a bit. You lot tin brand the jacket orange, or you tin can make it magenta, but you cannot change it to a specific colour.

HSL Changes

If you want to make the jacket blue, then you volition demand to utilize a dissimilar technique.

A better fashion of changing the color of an object in Lightroom to a specific color is to use the Adjustment Brush.

Change Colors in Lightroom With The Adjustment Brush

The best mode to alter colors in Lightroom to any colour that you similar is to use the Adjustment Castor forth with the Color option.

To practice so, offset past selecting the Adjustment Brush by pressing M on the keyboard or clicking on it from the tools bar.

Adjustment Brush

Then make sure that no adjustments accept been made to any of the sliders in the adjustment panel. Yous tin hold Alt (Mac: Option) to change the "Effect" label to a "Reset" button. One time you click on the Reset button, all the sliders and settings will return to default.

Reset HSL Sliders

To make things easier to select, make sure that you also check the Auto Mask checkbox, which will confine brush strokes to areas of similar color.

Auto Mask

Find that when you commencement painting over the image, you will see a red overlay. This overlay represents the areas that you take painted on and the areas that will be adjusted past the Aligning Brush's settings.

If your photo contains red areas, such as the blood-red jacket in the photo in this instance, you will not be able to run into the overlay. Simply y'all can press Shift O on the keyboard to toggle betwixt the unlike colors available for the overlay. Red, green, white, and blackness.

If you lot don't encounter the overlay, you tin press O on the keyboard to enable it (or disable it).

When painting over the object, call up that the bracket keys on the keyboard ( [ or ] ) let you to change the castor size quickly. Adding the Shift key will let you adapt the plumage, which is the sharpness of the edge of the brush.

Pigment over the object whose color you would like to change. Yous don't have to be very precise; you can always come back and fine-tune your option afterward on.

Changing The Colour of The Jacket

Once you have painted over the jacket, disable the overlay by pressing O on the keyboard, and reducing the Saturation to negative 100.

Desaturate Object

Without whatever saturation, you may observe that some areas still contain the original color. If y'all do, then just go on painting over your object until information technology is completely gray.

Recall that if y'all make a mistake, you can always hold Alt (Mac: Option) to subtract from the mask.

The next step is to add the color.

Go to the department hither that reads Color, click on the swatch, and select whatsoever color that you like.

Select Color

You tin then utilise the luminosity sliders (Exposure, Contrast, Highlights, Shadows, Whites, and Blacks) to command how the color looks.

Adjust Color Change In Lightroom

Keep in mind that sliders that control colors, such as Temperature and Tint, will non alter the color of the aligning. The Adjustment Castor desaturated the image, so these sliders volition not touch the color.

Lightroom Presets

One of the advantages of this coloring method is that it remains even when you apply a Lightroom Preset.

Apply Preset

Then, after replacing the color of an object, y'all can and then apply your favorite preset!

Your Plough

And at that place you take it! That's how to modify the colour of an object in Lightroom CC Classic!

  • Lightroom CC Complimentary Course:
  • How To Modify The Color of Anything in Photoshop

Terminal Image

Drag The Slider To See Before & After


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