
How To Match A Paint Color To Mahogany Stain

Photograph Courtesy: [m01129/Flickr]

Whether y'all're painting your living room or the entire exterior of your home, it's of import to choose the correct color so that you'll be happy with the finished product. If you've decided to apply Behr brand paints, this guide tin can help you detect the right colors for the job.

How Behr Categorizes Its Paint Colors

Behr offers a simple breakdown of colors that can make it easier to cull from different shades and hues in the aforementioned colour family. Y'all can choose from white, gray, brown, carmine, orange, yellow, green, bluish and purple every bit meta-categories. If yous don't want to see the full range of available colors, you lot tin can cull to view a breakdown of the most popular colors in each category.

Choosing a paint color isn't just a affair of picking out something y'all similar on your calculator or phone screen, though. You'll ofttimes want to choose more one color, peculiarly if you're painting your home's exterior. You tin choose a principal paint colour for walls and a few others for details like trim, doors or windows. That means it's important to brand sure all of these different colors expect good together. If y'all aren't confident in your power to independently curate multiple colors that coordinate well, you can look at pre-made color schemes or palettes featuring a colour you similar. Behr's website features some color schemes for rooms arranged past ascendant color, but you lot can likewise await on Pinterest and other sites for further inspiration and so notice similar colors from among Behr'due south offerings.

Choosing Your Own Color Combo for Exterior House Painting

Yous don't necessarily take to work with pre-made palettes and color schemes if you'd rather come with your ain combination of colors. For best results, you should remember advisedly about the effect you want to accept. For case, if your dwelling is a mod minimalist construction surrounded by beautiful trees with mountains in the background, you may not want to paint it with bright colors. Conversely, if you have a Victorian-era home with a lot of details on a dreary urban center street, adding some bright pops of color could have a nice effect.

Choosing the Correct Interior Color

Choosing interior colors is a bit simpler, especially if you aren't planning on painting annihilation other than the walls. You can pick different shades of your favorite colors or apply the color bike to choice complimentary colors (e.k., blue and orange) for contrast. You can also opt for neutrals such as gray, beige or fair, which are an peculiarly good idea if y'all plan to sell your home soon.

How to Properly Test Paint Colors Earlier Buying

No affair what colour and make you choose for your paint, information technology'due south important to practice more look at swatches before making your final choice. Things like sunlight and even your home's surroundings tin modify the way a color looks. If possible, buy a small quantity of a few paint colors you lot're considering and pigment them on your walls. Employ the same application method you program to use for the entire space, whether that's a roller, sprayer or brush. That way, you'll get an accurate feel for what the paint will expect similar. Paint a generously sized test strip, and make sure to let it dry out earlier yous judge whether you like information technology or non.


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